Window Tinting/Window Film


Are you tired of driving a hot car with the sun's rays blinding your eyes while you drive? Sure, air conditioning and sunglasses can help but did you know there’s a more efficient solution?

Car window tint will keep your car cool, protect your eyes from the sun’s harsh UV rays, and offers several great benefits. For the best results, you’ll want to invest in ceramic window tinting for your car or vehicle.

There are many types of window tints available all claiming to offer superior protection and durability. Low-end window tints may offer great protection for a short while but will rapidly deteriorate after a year or two.

Investing in quality window tinting will save you money over time and guarantees long-lasting durable window tint you’ll love. Still not convinced? Check out these seven unexpected benefits of ceramic window tinting!

What Sets Ceramic Window Tinting Apart?

Ceramic window tinting is the best way to protect you and your car from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Unlike most auto tinting, ceramic window tinting doesn’t contain any carbon, dyes, or metals which are conductive and can fade over time.

Ceramic tint contains ceramic-based nanoparticles that aren’t visible to the naked eye. The film has a greater range of window tinting percentages which promotes reduces glare and promotes visibility both day and night.

This high-end film does come with a higher price tag but boasts several impressive benefits making it worth the cost.

1. Ride In Style

Tinted windows create a sleek modern look on any contemporary vehicle. Ceramic window tinting comes in a range of tints from the dark striking to so subtle you’ll barely notice it. Choose from auto tinting that offers rich and vibrant film colors that will make your vehicle pop!

2. Sun Protection

The sun’s UV rays are notorious for destroying the interior of cars and posing a threat to your health. Untinted car windows may block most UVA and UVB rays but not all. The remaining UV rays and light that come through can harm your skin and cause eye damage.

Ceramic window tinting is an effective means of protecting your eyes and skin from additional light and UV rays. It also prevents fading and damage to your car’s interior. Quality car window tinting can block up to 99.9% of UV radiation.

3. Impressively Durable

Have you seen the cars with peeling, bubbling, and fading auto tinting? It’s an absolute eyesore.

This deterioration lowers your visibility which can make driving dangerous. Deteriorating window tints deter many drivers from considering adding any form of window tinting to their vehicle.

Ceramic window tinting offers superior durability and won’t deteriorate like low-end auto tinting options. Ceramic tinting is scratch-resistant and designed to last 10 years or longer. Many will outlast the life of your vehicle.

Adding ceramic tinting to your vehicle can increase the level of safety. The durability of the nanoparticles can make the tint resistant to stray stones and small rocks that may smash your car’s windows. Potential thieves will have a harder time breaking a window covered with ceramic tinting.

If you want a great-looking window tint that can improve the safety of your vehicle, then ceramic window tinting is the perfect solution for you.

4. Less Glare

One of the most annoying events a driver will experience is the sun’s glare blinding you while you drive. Not only is this painful and frustrating, but it’s also dangerous as it limits your visibility of the road. The intense contrasts in light from the sun glare can cause eye strain and increase your risk of a car accident.

Quality auto tinting will reduce sun glare making it easier for you to see while driving. Ceramic tints will effectively block harsh light during the day and at night to improve your vision while driving.

5. A Cooler Interior Climate

How many times have you burned your hands or legs on the fiery hot interior of a car that’s been sitting in the summer sun?

Ceramic window tints block most of the sun’s infrared rays responsible for heating vehicles and building in the sun. By reducing the number of infrared rays that enter your vehicle, the cooler your vehicle will be, even when left in direct sunlight.

This can also improve the energy costs needed to run your vehicle as you’ll need less air conditioning to cool your car in the summers. This reduces the strain on your engine and saves you money on fuel.

6. No Cell Phone Interference

Metallic window tinting is another popular auto tint that shares many of the same benefits as ceramic tints but at a lower cost. The major drawback of metallic window tinting is the tiny metallic particles in the tint can interrupt cell phone and radio signals.

Since ceramic tinting doesn’t contain any metallic particles, it won’t cause any signal issues with your electronics. Listen to the radio without interruption and make phone calls without worrying about static-filled or dropped calls.

7. Add Privacy and Safety

Ceramic window tinting, like most auto tinting options, makes your windows darker. Car window tint percentages will determine how light or dark the tint is and whether it’s legal in your state.

Darker windows make it more challenging for people to see inside of your vehicle. This offers a greater amount of privacy and safety compared to vehicles without window tinting. If people can’t see what’s inside your car, they’re less likely to try to break in and try to steal your valuables.

Ceramic window tinting also improves the safety of your vehicle. The increased durability of the window tinting prevents you and your passengers from becoming injured by shards of glass in the event of an accident.

You should note ceramic window tinting won’t prevent your car windows from breaking. It will, however, help reduce shattering.

Improve Your Driving Experience With Ceramic Window Tinting

Do you want to enjoy a safer and improved driving experience? Ceramic window tinting will make your vehicle more stylish while promoting safety and comfort. The best part is it’s long-lasting and won’t deteriorate like other types of auto tinting.